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Showing posts with label .net. Show all posts

May 31, 2024

Exploring Microservices Architecture with individual databases

- Each microservice embodies a specific business capability or functionality, ensuring a focused approach.

- Microservices operate independently, allowing for flexible and autonomous deployment.

- Examples of microservices include User Service, Order Service, and Inventory Service, among others.

Database Per Microservice:

- Each microservice is paired with its own dedicated database to promote data isolation, scalability, and autonomy.

- For instance, the User Service interacts with its User Database, while the Order Service manages its Order Database.

Interactions Between Microservices and Databases:

Read Operations:

- Microservices access data from their designated databases to perform operations effectively.

- When requiring user information, the User Service directly queries its User Database.

Write Operations:

- Microservices update data within their respective databases seamlessly.

- For instance, when a new user registers, the User Service efficiently inserts the user details into its User Database.

Database Connection Pooling:

- Maintaining connection pools ensures efficient management of database connections.

- Each microservice maintains a connection pool to minimize connection overhead and enhance performance.

Service-to-Service Communication:

- Microservices communicate using protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS for RESTful APIs and Message Queues for publish-subscribe.

- For example, the Order Service requests user information from the User Service API via an HTTP request, facilitating seamless data exchange.

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June 28, 2016

Why is null not allowed for DateTime in C#?

DateTime is a value-type (struct), where-as string is a reference-type (class etc). That is the key difference. 

A reference can always be null; a value can't (unless it uses Nullable<T> - i.e. DateTime?), although it can be zero'd (DateTime.MinValue), which is often interpreted as the same thing as null 

C# that causes null DateTime error

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
 DateTime current = null;


error CS0037: Cannot convert null to 'DateTime'
because it is a non-nullable value type

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September 11, 2013

Upload files to FTP server using C#

Upload any type of files (text,zip,images etc.) to FTP using C#

In order to upload a file using FTP details, one should know the server’s FTP URL, FTP username and FTP password.

We can achieve the file uploading task by using the below three inbuilt classes of .NET: FtpWebRequest,WebRequestMethods, and NetworkCredential.

Here is a sample code to upload TEXT file.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
namespace Examples.System.Net
    public class WebRequestGetExample
        public static void Main ()
            // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
            FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
            request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
            // This example assumes the FTP site uses anonymous logon.
            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential ("anonymous","");
            // Copy the contents of the file to the request stream.
            StreamReader sourceStream = new StreamReader("testfile.txt");
            byte [] fileContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd());
            request.ContentLength = fileContents.Length;
            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);
            FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            Console.WriteLine("Upload File Complete, status {0}", response.StatusDescription);

>> As we know streamreader used only to read text files / binary files. here is sample code to upload all type of files.

private static void up(string sourceFile, string targetFile)
        string ftpServerIP = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ftpIP"];
        string ftpUserID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ftpUser"];
        string ftpPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ftpPass"];
        ////string ftpURI = "";
        string filename = "ftp://" + ftpServerIP + "//" + targetFile; 
        FtpWebRequest ftpReq = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(filename);
        ftpReq.UseBinary = true;
        ftpReq.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
        ftpReq.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUserID, ftpPassword);
        byte[] b = File.ReadAllBytes(sourceFile);
        ftpReq.ContentLength = b.Length;
        using (Stream s = ftpReq.GetRequestStream())
            s.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
        FtpWebResponse ftpResp = (FtpWebResponse)ftpReq.GetResponse();
        if (ftpResp != null)
    catch (Exception ex)

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August 24, 2013

Use More Than One Web.Config File : Asp.Net

If you have planned to have different Web.config files for sub-folders in the application root folder. It helps us to have small and easily maintainable configuration files.

System wide configuration settings are defined in the Machine.config for the .NET Framework. The Machine.config file is located in the  C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CONFIG
folder. The settings defined in this file are applicable to all ASP.NET applications in that system.

We can override these default settings by including a Web.config file in the application's root folder.

By including Web.config files in sub-folders, we can override the settings defined in the Web.config file in the application's root folder.

The following are sample section declarations from a Machine.config file:
<section name="processModel" 
        System.Web, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, 
<section name="sessionState" 
        System.Web, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, 
<section name="appSettings" 
  type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler, System,
        Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, 
There is an attribute allowDefinition specified in the first two section declarations with the values: MachineOnlyand MachineToApplication.

What it does mean?

If allowDefinition="MachineOnly", then we can not override this section either in application level or in folder level. The only section declared in the Machine.config file with this settings is processModel.

If allowDefinition="MachineToApplication", then we can override these sections by the root directoryWeb.config. Sections with this setting 
in Machine.config are authenticationmachineKeysessionStatetrust, and securityPolicy.
If allowDefinition attribute is omitted in a section declaration of the Machine.config file, we can override that section at any level.

We can override the section appSettings at any level and can access it by usingConfigurationSettings.AppSettings easily.

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August 15, 2013

Auto Refresh an Asp.Net Web page

when You want to Refresh a web page automatically..
You can simply add following line of code in the Header section to enable auto refresh in an ASP.NET web page.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15">
Where 15 refers to the number of seconds it will take before refreshing the page.
Also you can redirect to a specific page if you put the URL inside the tag.

<meta http equiv="refreshcontent="15;url=" >
In reality, this is standard HTML functionality and nothing specific to ASP.NET. The same effect of auto-refresh would be seen whether it is an ASP.NET page or just a HTML page, or a page made in Java, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl or the like.
More Preferential for Developers

If you want to set the refresh time dynamically then that can be done in ASP.NET by adding server side code in the Page_Load function to set it, as shown below: 
Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "15")
you can change the refresh time according to your requirement.
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July 9, 2013

Real World Example of Abstract Class and Interface

An abstract class is a class that you cannot create an instance of. It can provide basic functionality, but in order for that functionality to be used, one or more other classes must derive from the abstract class. One of the major benefits of abstract classes is that you can reuse code without having to retype it. 

That has a plethora of benefits, such as reducing bugs and making coding faster. A concrete example of an abstract class would be a class called Animal. You see many animals in real life, but there are only kinds of animals. That is, you never look at something purple and furry and say "that is an animal and there is no more specific way of defining it". Instead, you see a dog or a cat or a pig... all animals. The point is, that you can never see an animal walking around that isn't more specifically something else (duck, pig, etc.). 

The Animal is the abstract class and Duck/Pig/Cat are all classes that derive from that base class. Animals might provide a function called "Age" that adds 1 year of life to the animals. It might also provide an abstract method called "IsDead" that, when called, will tell you if the animal has died. Since IsDead is abstract, each animal must implement it. So, a Cat might decide it is dead after it reaches 14 years of age, but a Duck might decide it dies after 5 years of age. The abstract class Animal provides the Age function to all classes that derive from it, but each of those classes has to implement IsDead on their own.

Now, an interface is like an abstract class, except it does not contain any logic. Rather, it specifies an interface. So, there might be an interface called IFly. This might have the methods GoForward and GoDown. Those methods would not actually contain any logic... each class that implements interface IFly would have to implement those GoForward and GoDown methods. You could have classes Duck and Finch implement interface IFly. Then, if you want to keep a list of instances that can fly, you just create a list that contains items of type IFly. That way, you can add Ducks and Finches and any other instance of a class the implements IFly to the list.

So, abstract classes can be used to consolidate and share functionality, while interfaces can be used to specify what the common functionality that will be shared between different instances will be, without actually building that functionality for them. Both can help you make your code smaller, just in different ways. There are other differences between interfaces and abstract classes, but those depend on the programming language, so I won't go into those other differences here.

Do you mean real-world as in "A live software system which includes  Abstract classes or interfaces" or do you mean "

If you mean the latter think of Vehicle as an abstract class. You can't yet do anything with it because you have no idea what it does, or how to drive it.

abstract class Vehicle{}

Vehicles could be split into morotized and pedal-powered, but still this is abstract, we still dont know what to do with it.

abstract class MotorVehicle : Vehicle {} 
abstract class PedaledVehicle : Vehicle {}

You could now define a concrete (non-abstract) class, like car.

class MotorCar : MotorVehicle {}

 Intefaces come in handy you can only inherit from one base class. So imagine some vehicles are drivable, others are remote controlled, some vehicles use a stearing wheel, others dont

interface IDrivable{}
interface IHasStearingWheel{}

Now you could derive a DrivableMotorCar from its base clas, and also implement other behaviours.
class DrivableMotorCar : MotorVehicle, IDrivable, IHasStearingWheel {}

Recommendations for Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces

The choice of whether to design your functionality as an interface or an abstract class (a MustInherit class in Visual Basic) can sometimes be a difficult one. An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated, but must be inherited from. An abstract class may be fully implemented, but is more usually partially implemented or not implemented at all, thereby encapsulating common functionality for inherited classes. For details, see Abstract Classes.
An interface, by contrast, is a totally abstract set of members that can be thought of as defining a contract for conduct. The implementation of an interface is left completely to the developer.
Here are some recommendations to help you to decide whether to use an interface or an abstract class to provide polymorphism for your components.
  • If you anticipate creating multiple versions of your component, create an abstract class. Abstract classes provide a simple and easy way to version your components. By updating the base class, all inheriting classes are automatically updated with the change. Interfaces, on the other hand, cannot be changed once created. If a new version of an interface is required, you must create a whole new interface.
  • If the functionality you are creating will be useful across a wide range of disparate objects, use an interface. Abstract classes should be used primarily for objects that are closely related, whereas interfaces are best suited for providing common functionality to unrelated classes.
  • If you are designing small, concise bits of functionality, use interfaces. If you are designing large functional units, use an abstract class.
  • If you want to provide common, implemented functionality among all implementations of your component, use an abstract class. Abstract classes allow you to partially implement your class, whereas interfaces contain no implementation for any members.


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Model View Controller (MVC) in

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern was introduced in 1970s. It is a software
design pattern that splits an application into three main aspects : Model, View and Controller. Moreover, MVC pattern forces a separation of concerns within an application for example, separating data access logic and business logic from the UI.

The Model represents a set of classes that describes the business logic and data. It also defines business rules for how the data can be changed and manipulated.
Moreover, models in Asp.Net MVC, handles the Data Access Layer by using ORM tools like Entity Framework or NHibernate etc. By default, models are stored in the Models folder of the project.

The View is responsible for transforming a model or models into UI. The Model is responsible for providing all the required business logic and validation to the view. The view is only responsible for displaying the data, that is received from the controller as the result.
Moreover, views in Asp.Net MVC, handles the UI presentation of data as the result of a request received by a controller. By default, views are stored in the Views folder of the project.

The Controller is responsible for controlling the application logic and acts as the coordinator between the View and the Model. The Controller receive input from users via the View, then process the user's data with the help of Model and passing the results back to the View.
Moreover, controllers in Asp.Net MVC, respond to HTTP requests and determine the action to take based upon the content of the incoming request. By default, controllers are stored in the Controllers folder of the project.

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July 4, 2013

How to prevent page going back on backspace button click

Stop page going back on backspace button click in,C#,java,PHP.

1. To prevent page going back on backspace or browser back button. you can achieve this by short snippet by javascript below.

<script type="text/javascript">
function preventBack() 
setTimeout(function () { preventBack() }, 0);
window.onunload = function () { null };

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
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February 23, 2013

Introduction to Asp.Net Web-API

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. With WebAPI content negotiation, one can return data based on the client requests. What I mean is, if the client is requesting the data to be returned as JSON or XML, the WebAPI framework deals with the request type and returns the data appropriately based on the media type. By default WebAPI provides JSON and XML based responses.

WebAPI is an ideal platform for building pure HTTP based services where the request and response happens with HTTP protocol. The client can make a GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE request and get the WebAPI response appropriately.

In Summary, the WebAPI is 
- An HTTP Service 
- Designed for broad reach
- Uses HTTP as an Application protocol, not a transport protocol

Web API Architecture
We shall see below the Web API architecture when you are hosting the WebAPI in ASP.NET and self-hosting through console or windows service.


Routing configuration in WebAPI is slightly different than the ASP.NET MVC Routing. The WebAPI uses HttpRouteCollection and Route. The WebAPI team have reused the routing logic of MVC in WebAPI. The only reason why it’s a different routing is in order to keep the WebAPI from having its dependency on ASP.NET Routing the team decided to make it independent so that the WebAPI will not have ASP.NET class dependencies and can be hosted in console or  windows service as self-hosting.

While in ASP.NET WebAPI routing, the system will not only register HttpRoute object but also it will create a wrapper Route object and in ASP.NET routing engine.

The significant difference that you can see here is you will not have access to Routing data in message handlers when you are trying to access the same in self-hosting , the reason is the route configuration is set and it will run at the later point in the life cycle.

The other significant difference between the ApiController and the normal MVC controller is with WebAPI ApiController, the actions are dispatched by default based on the HTTP request. However there is a flexibility to override the same so that the WebAPI will use the action name to select the action method within the ApiController.

What is Content Negotiation in Web API ?
This is something which you will here frequently in Web Api. Content negotiation is the process of selecting the best representation for a given response when there are multiple representations available. The underling Web API framework implements the content negotiation and that is the reason why and how the client can request the data with a specific media type.

By default the Web API returns data in JSON format, however while requesting for a resource we can specify the media type to return so that the Web API knows what you are requesting for and selects proper formatter to output the data. 
How to Implement Web API? 
We shall see a generic implementation of Web API.

One has to create a class which derives from ApiController. The methods defined in the WebAPI controller maps to the HTTP methods. If you have a method name prefixed with GET, it means you are trying to return some data based upon the GET Request. You just have to make sure that whatever actions you are implementing must be prefixed with the right request type (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE).

Note: The method named need not be Get () or Post () etc. However it does not limits to prefixing the request types , You can still implement the actions with different naming but one has to make sure to use the suitable action filters [HttpGet] , [Post] , [Put], [Delete].

Routing in ASP.NET Web API?
To determine which action to invoke, the framework uses a routing table. Below is the default route which is configured as a part of Global.asax
The routing is quite similar to what we define for MVC controllers
    name: "Default",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

The Web API framework receives an HTTP request, it tries to match the URI against one of the route templates in the routing table. If no route matches, the client receives a 404 error.
Action Parameters in Web API simple types are taken from URI - Route data, query parameters. 

Complex types come from the body - Configured MediaTypeFormatters are used to desterilize the request body based on the content type - JSON, XML and form-url-encoded are supported out of the box , also we can override using [FormUrl], [FormBody], [ModelBinder], custom parameter binding.

How to host a Web API ?
One can either go with self or web hosting.

• Self-hosting in any Windows process (e.g., console application or Windows service)
• Web hosting - using the ASP.NET pipeline on top of Internet Information Services (IIS) One has to make a reference and use the below ones if you are going with self-hosting.

Here is the code snippet for self-hosting Web API.
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.SelfHost;      
var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:8080");
    "API Default", "api/{controller}/{id}", 
    new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
using (HttpSelfHostServer server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config))
    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit.");
In the above hosting, the application listens to the specified URL localhost 8080. One needs administrator privileges for that. If you are facing any issues like “HTTP could not register URL” then you will have to run the below statement in command prompt as Administrator
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user=machine\username
How to manually run the content negotiation and why it’s required?
We have seen above the content negotiation is something which is built inside the WebAPI which will make use of formatters to decode and encode the HttpRequest and HttpResponses.

So the question comes when exactly we need to manually run the content negotiation logic. Here’s one that we can think of, say you are consuming a third party service which always returns the data in JSON format. Your client is accepting or willing to process xml based responses or maybe you have other clients consuming data in different formats like Json or xml. In such scenarios you can think of building a WebAPI as a wrapper around the services that you are consuming. Isn’t it meaningful to build something and return data based on the media type?

Below is the generic code which runs the content negotiation
// Get the IContentNegotiator
IContentNegotiator negotiator = Configuration.Services.GetContentNegotiator();
// Run content negotiation to select a formatter
MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType;
MediaTypeFormatter formatter = negotiator.Negotiate(
typeof(Contact), Request, Configuration.Formatters, out mediaType);
// Create a response message with an object content using the selected formatter
HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage() 
     Content = new ObjectContent<contact>(contact, formatter), 
     RequestMessage = Request 
Get the content negotiator instance and run the Negotiate method with the following parameters, the type of object you want to return, request object, the default formatters and out param for the media type. At last create a HttpResponseMessage and format the content as per the media formatter which is obtained while doing content negotiation.  


This article is just a start off, a beginner article for WebApi. Basic understanding of MVC is sufficient to understand and implement ASP.NET WebAPI.

Using the code

We shall create a very basic sample WebAPI project and host the same in console and make a request from browser. I am referring the example mentioned in
  1. First create a console project
  2. From NuGet manager , Search for ‘Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost’ and install the same
  3. Create a controller and make sure it should inherit from ApiController
  4. Implement required actions based on the HTTP verbs
  5. Now we are ready for hosting.

    1. In program.cs , create an instance of HttpSelfHostConfiguration by specifying the URL to listen, then set the default route map.
    2. Create an instance of HttpSelfHostServer with the above configuration and open the connection and wait for the client requests. 
  6. Requesting for Products , just copy paste or type in the url - http://localhost:8080/Products in browser and hit enter. That's all you should be able to see the response.
When you are requesting for Products with the url - http://localhost:8080/Products , the GetAllProducts method of ApiController will serve the request. Similarly if you wish to get product by Id, you will have to pass the Id while making a request to Web Api controller. Here is an example http://localhost:8080/Products/1 , upon requesting the GetProductsById method will be invoked and it will return a single product based on the product Id.
    public class ProductsController : ApiController
        Product[] products = new Product[]  
            new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Tomato Soup", Category = "Groceries", Price = 1 },  
            new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Yo-yo", Category = "Toys", Price = 3.75M },  
            new Product { Id = 3, Name = "Hammer", Category = "Hardware", Price = 16.99M }  
        public IEnumerable<product> GetAllProducts()
            return products;
        public Product GetProductById(int id)
            var product = products.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);
            if (product == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            return product;
        public IEnumerable<product> GetProductsByCategory(string category)
            return products.Where(p => string.Equals(p.Category, category,
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:8080");
                "API Default", "api/{controller}/{id}",
                new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
        using (HttpSelfHostServer server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config))
            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit.");
Now we will see another sample implementation of WebAPI handles GET, PUT, POST, DELETE requests. For demostration purpose , I have created a WebAPI based Contact Manager application.

Use case: 
1. Ability to manage contacts , The user should be able to add/update/delete contacts.
2. Display all contacts in Home page.
Below is the Contacts Controller implementation. We are encapsulating all the CRUD operations in a repository named ContactRepository.
    public class ContactsController : ApiController
        private static readonly IContactRepository _contacts = new ContactRepository();
        // Get All Contacts
        public IEnumerable<contact> Get()
            return _contacts.GetAllContacts();
        // Get Contact by Id
        public Contact Get(int id)
                Contact contact = _contacts.GetContact(id);
                return contact;
            catch (Exception ex)
                 throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message));                
        // Insert Contact
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(Contact value)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Contact contact = _contacts.AddContact(value);
                    var response = Request.CreateResponse<contact>(HttpStatusCode.Created, contact);
                    return response;
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Model state is invalid");
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
        // Update Contact by Id
        public HttpResponseMessage Put(int id, Contact value)
                _contacts.UpdateContact(id, value);              
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        // Delete Contact by Id
        public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int id)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
            return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Below is the code for Contact Repository.
It is built on Entity Framework Code First Approch. The Repository is composed of ContactsDbContext , with it's help we are performing CRUD operations.
    public class ContactRepository : IContactRepository
        private ContactsDbContext context;
        public ContactRepository()
            context = new ContactsDbContext();
        public IEnumerable<contact> GetAllContacts()
                return context.Contacts.ToList();
        public Contact GetContact(int id)
                return context.Contacts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == id);               
        public Contact AddContact(Contact item)
                return item;
        public bool RemoveContact(int id)
                var contact = context.Contacts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == id);
                if (contact == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Contact with id: '{0}' not found", id.ToString()));
                return true;
        public bool UpdateContact(int id, Contact item)
                var contact = context.Contacts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == id);
                if( contact == null)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Contact with id: '{0}' not found", id.ToString()));
                contact.Name = item.Name;
                contact.Email = item.Email;
                contact.Phone = item.Phone;
                context.Entry(contact).State = EntityState.Modified;              
                return true;
    public class ContactsDbContext : DbContext
        public ContactsDbContext()
            : base("name=ContactsDbContext")
        public DbSet<contact> Contacts { get; set; }
Setting Up the Database for Managing Contacts
Open solution - WebApi-ManageContacts in Visual Studio and Following the below steps
1. (Optional Step) Open web.config and make changes to connection string "ContactsDbContext" if required.

2. Go to Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
Run Update-Database command as show below, You should be able to see the command runs successfully without throwing any errors.

PM> Update-Database
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
No pending code-based migrations.
Applying automatic migration: 201302171855006_AutomaticMigration.
Running Seed method.

Rendering contacts (MVC + Web Api Controller)
Here is a code snippet for HTTP GET verb. We are making an ajax request to get all the contacts. The request will hit the Home controller and it will execute "ContactsGrid" action. Within the action , we are creating an instance of WebAPI controller , get all the contacts and then return a partial view - ContactsGrid.
function GetContacts() {
            url: '/Home/ContactsGrid',
            type: "GET",
            success: function (response) {
            error: function (data) {
Add contacts with Web Api
Below is the code snippet for adding a new contact. Here we are making a jquery request with the url to WebApi controller, passing the contact information by serializing the data as Json object in the HTTP Request body. The content negociation with in the WebApi will understand and decode the contact information.

Note - Set the proper content type while making a request. Below you can see the content type set to 'application/json'
function AddContact() {
        var contact = {
            Name: $('#Name').val(),
            Email: $('#Email').val(),
            Phone: $('#Phone').val()
            url: '/Api/Contacts',
            type: 'POST',
            data: JSON.stringify(contact),
            contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
            success: function (data) {
                alert('Contacts added successfully');
            error: function (data) {
                alert('Problem in adding contacts:' + data.responseText);
Deleting contacts with Web Api
Below is the code snippet for deleting contacts. We make a jquery request with the url to the Web Api controller. You will also notice that by setting the request type to 'DELETE' , helps to execute Delete method in the Contacts Web Api Controller.
function DeleteContact(id) {       
            url: '/Api/Contacts/'+ id,
            type: 'DELETE',
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (data) {
                alert('Problem in deleting contacts:' + data.responseText);
Update contacts with Web Api
Below is the code snippet for updating the contacts. We are using Jquery model dialog, We will get the contact to update and then show up a dialog so that we can edit the contact. When we click on update button , we will make an Ajax request with the url to WebApi controller.

You can also notice the request type is 'PUT' and we are also serializing the contacts before making the request. If the update operation succeeds, we will call GetContacts() method so that it will update the contacts grid. 
function EditContact(id) {
            url: '/Home/GetContactsById/' + id,
            type: "GET",
            success: function (response) {
            error: function (data) {
  dialog = $("#editContact").dialog({
            autoOpen: false,
            resizable: false,
            closeOnEscape: true,
            show: "explode",
            hide: "explode",
            width: 300,
            title: "Edit Contact",
            buttons: {
                Update: function () {
                    var contact = {
                        Name: $('#Name').val(),
                        Email: $('#Email').val(),
                        Phone: $('#Phone').val()
                        url: '/Api/Contacts/' + $('#Id').val(),
                        type: 'PUT',
                        data: JSON.stringify(contact),
                        contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
                        success: function (data) {
                        error: function (data) {
                            alert('Problem in updating contacts:' + data.responseText);
                Cancel: function () {
Web.config changes
In order to execute HTTP requests for DELETE, PUT etc we need to add the below mentioned line under <system.webserver> so that the application handles all type of requests.

<modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true">  
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