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Showing posts with label web-api. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web-api. Show all posts

May 31, 2024

Exploring Microservices Architecture with individual databases

- Each microservice embodies a specific business capability or functionality, ensuring a focused approach.

- Microservices operate independently, allowing for flexible and autonomous deployment.

- Examples of microservices include User Service, Order Service, and Inventory Service, among others.

Database Per Microservice:

- Each microservice is paired with its own dedicated database to promote data isolation, scalability, and autonomy.

- For instance, the User Service interacts with its User Database, while the Order Service manages its Order Database.

Interactions Between Microservices and Databases:

Read Operations:

- Microservices access data from their designated databases to perform operations effectively.

- When requiring user information, the User Service directly queries its User Database.

Write Operations:

- Microservices update data within their respective databases seamlessly.

- For instance, when a new user registers, the User Service efficiently inserts the user details into its User Database.

Database Connection Pooling:

- Maintaining connection pools ensures efficient management of database connections.

- Each microservice maintains a connection pool to minimize connection overhead and enhance performance.

Service-to-Service Communication:

- Microservices communicate using protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS for RESTful APIs and Message Queues for publish-subscribe.

- For example, the Order Service requests user information from the User Service API via an HTTP request, facilitating seamless data exchange.

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June 10, 2017

Introduction of WEB API

Introduction of WEB API

ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building http based services using .Net Framework. these services reach a broad range of clients, including browsers , mobile devices and desktop applications. web-api is widely used to create Rest full Services but web api is not depend upon any constraint , we can create any type of services using web-api.

Restful Services 

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural pattern of creating services , it specifies set of constraints
and these constraints should be followed by restful services 

REST Constraints

  1. Client Server
  2. Stateless
  3. Cacheable
  4. Uniform Interface
    HATEOS (Hypermedia as the engine of application state)
  5. Layered System
  6. Code on Demand (optional)

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