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Ajit Singh
Ajit Singh is the author & founder of  Tech Impulsion, a Silicon Valley-based early adopter Blog focused on social media, breaking news technology and innovation. When not blogging, he is Software Engineer at a Software Company and Personally a technology analyst, developer, Innovator.

You can reach by email him at
You can find Ajit on Twitter, Facebook ,Google and on YouTube .......

Sujit Singh
Sujit Singh is the author of  Tech Impulsion, a  Blog focused on social media, breaking news technology and innovation. Sujit Singh handles the technology section of Tech Impulsion

 You can reach Sujit Singh by email him at

Manish Singh

Manish singh is the author of  Tech Impulsion, a  Blog focused on social media, breaking news technology,st and innovation .Manish singh handles the technology, study section of Tech Impulsion.when not blogging, he is a cricketer and book writer.

You can find  Manish singh on Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and on YouTube........

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