Since a lot of sites haven't added the +1 button, a Google Chrome extension adds one on.
The extension, conveniently titled Google +1 Button is available on the Chrome Web Store. Just like sites which have enabled the +1 button, sites you have +1'ed show a blue button.
As Google informs on the Chrome extension's page, your browsing history is sent to Google's servers. However, "Google doesn’t keep a persistent record of your browsing history as part of the process of showing you a +1 button or otherwise use the fact that you personally have visited a page with the +1 button. Google may keep some information about your visit, usually for about two weeks, to maintain and debug its systems," explains Google.
Google has also unveiled the button for mobile. The Google Plus button is now available for browsing on Android and iOS devices. Specifically, this includes iOS 4.0+ and Android 2.1+ mobile web browsers.
The +1 button will be used by Google to re-order how websites are ranked by search engines. A higher ranking site is more visible in Google search results - it'll appear as a result ahead of other sites in searching. It's also Google's way of competing with the Twitter's Tweet button and the ubiquitous Facebook’s Like. A +1 recommendation can be shared in Google Plus , Google's social network.